Good Friday, the day when man showed his true nature, his hypocritical and betrayal nature. The day when man stabbed himself with a double edged sword, the day when man crucified his saviour, the day when the voice of the people prevailed upon the voice of the leaders albeit for the wrong reasons.
Is today really that good? Our saviour was disgraced and sentenced to death today by mere mortals. What really makes today a Good Friday? Is it the bloodshed and the death or the punishment meted out to our saviour?
It's a Good Friday because we made peace with God today, because we received the grace to get forgiveness without laying our hands on a sheep.
This holy week has been a period of reflection for me, and this has opened my eyes to the true nature of man.
*Betrayal, a word I hate with passion. Apart from hearing that Zizi is sad or sick, one of the stuffs thst pisses me off in been betrayed. Who would have believed that the people that welcomed him to Jerusalem will be the ones to crucify him? They shouted "all hail the son of David" in front of the Jerusalem gate, they danced, spread their clothes on the ground for him and adored him. The same people were the ones to shout crucify him, crucify him, crucify him before Pontius Pilate. They condemned him to death like a criminal, they sentenced a man with no history of crime to death. Be mindful of men, not everybody that laughs with you wishes you good, everybody is not your friend. I'm not saying that you should be suspicious of your friends, all I'm saying is that you should expect anything from anybody. Man can betray, go and ask Ceasar about Brutus, ask Jesus about Judas, ask Shaka Zulu about his cousins. *As a leader, you have stand by your word, don't by swayed by people's opinions when you know you're right. Pilate's decision to hand Jesus over to the Jews affected his life till the end, he lived a life of regret and committed suicide afterwards. Being controlled by people's opinion can have a devastating effect on one's life, do whatever you think is right for yourself and shun the bad advices.
*The brain of man is highly efficient when properly used, the response the people gave when asked about Jesus' offense shows that man is an intellectual being. When Pilate asked of Jesus' offense, the people replied "We caught this man misleading our people, telling them not to pay taxes to the Emperor and claiming that he himself is the messiah, a king". Their response is a very efficient one, I'm still amazed as to how they were able to come up with such a thing. They wanted to entangle Pilate with the response, had it been he released Jesus, they would have called him an enemy of Ceaser, saying that he was in support of the establishment of another government. The Jews were highly critical of the Roman administration but were willing to use it to achieve their selfish goal. This is a wake-up call to the sleeping brains out there, the ones that think they can't do anything with their brain, your brain is too powerful bro, you have to make use of it. THINK!
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