Sunday, 10 April 2016

African Mentality

A post I made on Facebook in 2014. I felt like posting here again.

"Why didn't you give me an English name?",I asked my dad at the age of 7. He looked at me and laughed.
"Nwa m, your name is 'Ukpai Ifeanyichukwu Ulu', you are an Ohafian and that makes you an African. I will only give my children English names when the the whites start giving theirs African Names. "
At that tender age, I didn't fully understand what he meant by that statement because I'v always believed that we African have to submit to the whites and behave like them since they colonized us, I thought he was just trying to act arrogant and tough. Being the Inquisitive Ify, I asked him whether a white man can pronouce my name.
"If he can't pronounce it, then you teach him how to do it. They taught us how to pronouce theirs, so you can as well teach him how to pronounce yours" he replied.
I remembered this our conversation and smile filled my face.
Africa would have been a better place if all Africans thought like him. We Africans don't believe in ourselves, our mentality is too poor. An average African believes that the whites are better than us. Its a pity that Africans who are professionals in their fields of study leave the shores of Africa inorder to become morticians abroad.
Intelligence isn't measured by the colour of your skin or accent, rather it depends on what you have upstairs. The whites told us that God is "Fair" in complexion while the devil is "Dark" and we all believed. Ever since I started reading the bible, I haven't seen where its written that the devil is dark. This mentality has to change, its high time we Africans stopped seeing ourselves as second class citizens of the world.
The African leaders need to stop depending on the white men for guidance. When the likes of Late Mobutu Sese Seko, Robert Mugabe, Hussini Mubarak, Late Gaddafi, Late Mandela and Late Ojukwu fought against Western Domination, we all criticized them and called them "Dictators". Right now Egypt, Libya and Tunisia are in disarray. The statement "Civilization started from Africa now looks like an irony. Egypt is now a shadow of its former self. We Africans have to belief in ourselves, we have to belief that we can do it. We have to trust ourselves. During the World War 1 and World War 2, Britain came to Africa and took Africans as bullet shields for the war, they don't care about us.
 We've  been called all sort of names from Monkeys to Third world and underdeveloped countries. It isn't a crime to be called such names, rather its a crime to see yourself as one. Africa is seen as a jungle where its inhabitants live like bushmen.I haven't seen a foreign movie where the African City lifestyle is been shown. Eachtime a white man is visiting Africa in a movie, we will always see him in a forest. When did Africa become a jungle? We have to stand up for ourselves. It's high time we stopped training our kids with English Language. Train him with your local dialect. My mum told me she wanted to train me with English Language before my dad cautioned her.Thats an African man that knows himself. Our help comes within us and not from Abroad! We have to learn how to survive without foreign aids.We have to stand on our beliefs without being  afraid of sanctions from the so called super powers. Homosexuality isn't part of us. It pains me to know that Francophone countries still pay dues to France. All these stuffs has to stop. We have to stand up for ourselves and change Africa. Countries like Ethiopia, Libya and Egypt existed before The US, where are they now? Put the words "poor kids" and "malnourished kids" on google image search and pictures of African kids will pop up. We all have to change Africa and this change starts with our mentality.
God bless Africa!
God bless Nigeria!
God bless Ohafia!
God bless me! ^_-

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